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How to Make Cold Water Hash with Bubble Hash Bags?

When cannabis buds, leaves, and harvested trimmings are stirred in icy water, resin glands drop the plant material into the water. From there they can be collected into special hash bags. It is important that the entire process takes place at low temperatures. The water should contain a lot of ice and ideally should be around 0°C. The water and ice mixture is prepared in a large container, usually a clean plastic bucket or clean plastic bin. Inside the bin you need to place hash bags. They come in various sizes, suitable for personal or large-scale hash production. Hash bags contain a mesh with gaps in the mesh of specific sizes, such as 160, 120, 73 and 25 microns.

Making cold water hash with Bubble Hash Bags is a straightforward process. Here are the steps:

How to Make Cold Water Hash with Bubble Hash Bags.jpg

Gather Your Supplies:

1. Bubble Bag kit (with different micron screens)



Spoon (or a mixing device)

Tea towel

Bucket (size depends on the kit used)

2. Layer the Bubble Hash Bags:

Line the bucket with your Bubble Bags, starting with the smallest micron bag (25µ) and ending with the largest (220µ).

3. Add Water and Plant Material:

Fill the bucket with cold water to cover the bottom of the Bubble Bags (about halfway full).

4. Add your dry or frozen plant trimmings.

Add Ice:

Add enough ice to almost fill the bucket to the top.

Stir the mixture for 15 to 20 minutes, maintaining a 50/50 mix of ice and water.

5. Extract the Hash:

Pull out each Bubble Bag one by one, draining them into the bucket.

Turn each Bubble Bag inside out after draining to collect your herbal extract.

Gently press out excess moisture using a pressing screen and a dish towel.

6.Micron Bubble Hash Bags Sizes and Their Uses:

25µ: Full melt bag for sativa strains.

45µ: Produces a nice grade of herbal extract.

73µ: Often the full melt bag; where bubble forms.

120µ: Makes a nice grade of bubble.

160µ: Useful for cleaning contaminants from other bags.

190µ: Removes most contaminants.

220µ: Durable work bag.

Repeat the Process:

You can repeat the process with the same plant material for additional runs to get more hash.

Remember, gentle mixing is crucial for a top-quality end product! 



Contact: Jingda Filter Bags

Phone: +86 15100134172


Add: No.20 Heping Road, Chang'an District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China.