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What are paint strainer bags?

What is a paint strainer bag?

A paint strainer bag is an invaluable paint accessory for removing dirt, clumps, flakes and other impurities from paint mixtures. 

They are made with a fine mesh to ensure your paint is as smooth and clean as the day you opened it. With a paint strainer bag, you can even remove fine dust particles that, if left in a paint can, can end up leaving nasty marks on your walls.

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Why do you need a paint strainer bag?

You get a more professional look when you prepare the paint by pulling it tight. Your surfaces are painted evenly and they stay smooth as you keep the paint free of chips and other materials that stick to the paint roller or paintbrush. When these pieces land on the roller or paintbrush, it always ends up on the wall. When the paint dries, this leaves a nasty mark that can easily chip.

Do I need a paint if I use a paint sprayer?

If you use a paint sprayer, having a paint filter is as important as using a roller and brush. This is because dust and dry flakes can quickly clog the sprayer and cause it to break. This means that you can actually save a lot of money in the long run by not having to repair or replace a clogged sprayer. Filtering paint will protect your paint spray equipment.



Contact: Jingda Filter Bags

Phone: +86 15100134172


Add: No.20 Heping Road, Chang'an District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China.