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The Importance of Suitable Micron Sized Rosin Press Extraction Filter Bags for Flower Rosin

The Importance of Suitable Micron Sized Rosin Press Extraction Filter Bags for Flower Rosin

The nylon rosin squeezing extraction filter bag with proper micron size is crucial to the flower rosin, which can ensure that the extraction process captures the best quality Trichome. 

Understanding extraction efficiency and maximizing yield and quality are crucial factors when selecting the appropriate micrometer size for flower rosin extraction.

Micron size refers to the size of the pores in the nylon press extraction filter bags, which determines what size of particles can be passed through during the process. 

Using the correct micron size can extract the required Trichome, while minimizing the extraction of unnecessary plant materials.

The smaller micron size (such as 25u or 37u) is an ideal choice for the extraction of flower rosin.

Because it captures the smaller Trichome head, which contains the highest concentration of Cannabinoid and terpenes. 

This will produce more effective and delicious rosin. 

On the other hand, using larger micron sizes (such as 90u or 120u) may allow more plant materials to pass through, resulting in lower quality and efficacy of rosin.

It is worth noting that the extraction efficiency and yield may be influenced by factors such as the variety of flowers used.

And as well as the pressure and temperature applied during the extraction process. 

Testing different micrometer sizes helps determine the optimal choice for each specific strain.

In a word, it is very important to choose a proper micron nylon material rosin press extraction filter bags.

Jingda 25 37 45 73 90 120 160 190 220 micron Micron Size Rosin Press Extraction Filter Bags for Flower Rosin for you to choose

Jingda 25 37 45 73 90 120 160 190 220 micron Micron Size Rosin Press Extraction Filter Bags for Flower Rosin for you to choose.jpg



Contact: Jingda Filter Bags

Phone: +86 15100134172


Add: No.20 Heping Road, Chang'an District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China.