There are three kinds most popular stitching rosin filter bags.
It is single stitch rosin filter bags, double stitch rosin filter bags and fold stitch rosin filter bags.
Even though these 3 kinds rosin filter bags can already meet the needs of most customers.
However, there are still some customers who have higher requirements for rosin filter bags. They complain that the bags will break during use, and they seek the stronger one.
At this moment, we will suggest the lemmon stitching for the customers.
This kind rosin filter bags are double fold and then double stitched.
The price is higher than the other 3 kinds because the stitching is more complicated than the other three.
Contact: Jingda Filter Bags
Phone: +86 15100134172
Add: No.20 Heping Road, Chang'an District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China.